Yana’s trying her hand at hosting and consulting for Scentsy wickless candles this holiday season to boost the economy (hers!). It’s right up her alley, too. She swears by aromatherapy, is social and loves to party (not like that; she is old now). This is her first online endeavor, so if you have time, please take a gander. She’s great at networking; if you live in the Reno/Carson City area and are interested in a party, contact her through the information provided on her site.
If you like scented candles but also own cats, bats, rats, kids, dogs, horses, cows, or chickens, or any combination there of, the thought of any open flame indoors likely makes you cringe. We all know that cats, bats, rats, kids, dogs, horses, cows, and even chickens don’t always watch where they’re going, are prone to roughhousing, and often knock things over. No worries. Scentsy wax (available in bars or bricks) is warmed in a ceramic warmer using a simple 25-watt light bulb (fancy that, it also doubles as a night light!). Both, free-standing and plug-in warmers are available and it appears they have a variety of styles and colors to fit any decor.
Scentsy fragrances — more than 80! — also available in car medallions and spray (just in case you live in a zoo).