Follow Your Heart

I spent all of Wednesday in a hotel visiting with my friend of 27 years and her family, cramming as much as possible into that visit before wishing them a safe journey as they travel on to Cairo for the next 3 years. I paid for it with both my nose and my tail scraping the pavement all day, but it was well worth it and I count myself blessed to have the friends I have. All of them, old and new.

Marcus, pencil sketch - week 1

Marcus, pencil sketch - week 1

It wasn’t a completely unproductive day, today, though. I managed to practice a bit of pencil sketching. I’ve been following Jessica “Neon Dragon” Peffer’s instructions from DragonArt Fantasy Characters. The book’s focus is animated characters, rather than real life portraiture, but because she simplifies everything from full body to eyes, ears, and even noses, I find it an easy format to follow.

I’ve also noticed, just in the last few days, that I see the world around me quite differently from before. It’s a little disconcerting, like some mathematical problem that I must deconstruct and work through to solve. My mind breaks complex images down into basic shapes where they begin to make sense, and then it becomes easier to translate them to paper. 3D aspects are still very puzzling, eyes are difficult to duplicate with much precision, and ears remain a total mystery to me. But, hey, yanno, it looks like a human face. Good ’nuff.

For now anyhow.

I’m late for bed, but I wanted to share this: if there’s something you want to do (murder and mayhem most emphatically excluded here), you should go for it. At least try it for a while to learn whether or not it suits you and don’t EVER let anyone — good intentions or bad — try to stop you.

May there be pencil smudges in your dreams tonight.


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“Slow and Steady Wins the Race.”

This is the moral of the Aesop fable The Tortoise and the Hare, and it has been my mantra for almost a decade now. It has kept me sane (relatively speaking) and moving forward through the ups and downs of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. It reminds me, often, that I needn’t be in a hurry, and that I’m not super human, but I am human, even in times when I’m feeling less than stellar.

\"Lyssa\", pencil sketch from practice journal

I made a commitment to myself last week to not merely dabble at drawing, but to begin with the basics, start anew, and learn. As a teenager, I drew anything horse or horse-like (i.e. unicorns, winged horses, and hippocampi), but the complexities of life and the isolation of living in a small town were not conducive to sticking to it and learning things such as proportion, perspective, or color theory.

But I enjoy it now. Drawing isn’t quite as meditative as paper cutting or making books, but I suspect that’s because currently it demands more focus and attention. However, it is oddly tactile (I shall worry about the finger smudges later, much later). I see progress and the only demand I have on myself is to do a little more each day, with attention to the basic skills I need to gain to continue forward.

It’s fun. It’s also strengthening other skills. Patience. Perseverance. I feel the need for instant gratification slipping away, albeit slowly, involving myself in the process more and worrying less about the end product.

Good morning. May you spend the day kissed with dew.

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